First Aid: Diabetes

Candidates that take St Mark James standard first aid training will learn to recognize and provide care for patients with diabetic emergencies. Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects several different organs in the human body. Furthermore, to complicate patients with diabetes, they are also at a increased risk for heart disease, stroke and kidney damage. The main issue with diabetes is that the body can not process sugars. A healthy lifestyle with a good diet, exercise, low alcohol and no drug and taking medications properly can help reduce the effects of diabetes and prolong the patients life.

Types of Diabetes

Patients with diabetes have two different types of main complications. Diabetic patients can have hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar and patients can have hyperglycemia which is associated with high blood sugar. If the patient has low level’s of consciousness it can be difficult for the rescuer to determine whether the patient has hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia as they both exhibit the same symptoms. In both situations the body can not process the sufficient amount of sugar. With the decreased level’s of consciousness associated with these two diabetic emergencies the rescuer should not rule out the possibility of head injuries, stroke, or seizures.

For more information on recognizing and treating patients with either hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia visit the page dedicated to those diabetic emergencies on this website or take a standard first aid course through a credible St Mark James provider. Candidates that are enrolled in standard or emergency first aid re-certification courses will also cover material on diabetic emergencies, management and care. To determine if you qualify for a renewal course visit our refresher page located in the main or side menu.

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