First Aid Courses in Grande Prairie

First Aid Courses in Grande Prairie, Alberta
First Aid Courses in Grande Prairie, Alberta

Out of all the major local first aid providers in Grande Prairie who is the cheapest? We will examine all the local providers in Grande Prairie to determine who offers the lowest price for intermediate, basic and childcare first aid. On this page we will also discuss the 4 steps to CPR and hopefully encourage you to get certified and trained in first aid in Grande Prairie. Get certified by the lowest priced provider in Grande Prairie and get a head start on your training by learning about the 4 steps to CPR.


Cheapest First Aid Course Provider in Grande Prairie

The following chart will outline the price of the 3 major first aid courses based on the provider that is offering them. Check out the price chart below:

Intermediate First Aid Basic First Aid Childcare First Aid
Provider Name
Grande Prairie First Aid 134.99 GST Included 109.99 GST Included 134.99 GST Included
Tritech Safety Training 199.99 Plus GST 149.99 Plus GST Not Offered
Big Hearts First Aid 140 Plus GST 115 Plus GST Not Offered
St. Johns Ambulance 179 Plus GST 134 Plus GST Not Offered
Northwestern Polytech 165.00 Plus GST Not Offered Not Offered

Coming in at last place, the most expensive provider is Tritech Safety Training shortly followed by Northwestern Polytech. St. Johns is third place with Big Hearts coming in at second. The cheapest first aid and CPR course provider is Grande Prairie First Aid. Comparing prices in standard childcare first aid, a popular course, it is only offered at Grande Prairie First Aid which makes it difficult to make a price comparison.

What Are the 4 Steps to CPR?

Learning CPR is not that difficult but creating steps can make it easier. The following is the 4 steps to CPR to help you remember how to do it.

  1. Check the scene and check the patient
  2. Ensure that EMS is contacted
  3. Begin Chest Compression and Ventilations
  4. Use an AED when it comes available

Remembering these 4 steps can help you with CPR but to truly learn and grasp how to do it we strongly encourage that you take a in person course.

Did You Know?

Get a head start on your intermediate first aid training by learning about Bronchial Asthma below.

Bronchial Asthma

Bronchial asthma is a form of asthma that affects the airways leading to the lungs. This is a childhood illness that usually disappears as the child grows older. Asthma is brought about by inflammation and spasms of the airways. They become narrow, causing less air to get into the lungs. Because the air is passing through a narrow channel, asthmatics develop wheezing, a whistling sound when they inhale.

Learn more about respiratory and circulatory emergencies, including how to recognize and manage them, by enrolling in St Mark James first aid courses in Grande Prairie, Alberta.

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